
Effective Ways to Develop Self-Discipline in Kids

Teaching self-discipline to kids is important as it helps them delay gratification, control temptations, and adjust to the discomforts required to reach their long-term goals. From choosing to turn off the video game to concentrate on the home assignments, or not eating an extra cookie when mom is not seeing to keeping toys in their place, self-discipline is very important to help kids grow as responsible human beings. According to the  Montessori  experts, parents and teachers should give kids the skills that they need to develop self-discipline as well as enough opportunities to practice making wise choices. Provide structure: Create a timetable that your kids will follow every day and eventually will get accustomed to it. If they know what they are expected to do, they will be less likely to get distracted with other activities. For example, a good morning routine helps kids know when they have to eat breakfast and get ready for school. Try to keep your child’s daily ...

How Gardening Helps Children to Have a Healthy Development

Outdoors is an important place for kids to have a healthy development. Participating in different outdoor activities improves their health and supports their overall development. They learn to explore the world around them by observing, exploring, and interacting with its various natural elements.  Daycare  teachers encourage children to participate in outdoor learning engagements as during this time they may engage in complex imaginative play and much-needed physical activities. As parents, you should provide your kids with opportunities where they can build connections with nature and the outdoor world. You can carefully plan some outdoor activities which can lead children to engage in various meaningful tasks and projects.  You would be surprised to know that a garden can be an interactive playground for kids that can engage all of their senses. It is something where they will be able to touch and feel the fruits of their hard work, appreciate the brightly colored ...

How To Protect Children’s Skin And Hair During Hot And Humid Season

  During the summer and rainy season in most parts of the US, people experience a humid, warm, and damp climate. Because of this hot and humid climate, caregivers of a  preschool  in  walnut, CA  has observed that preschoolers often suffer from various skin and hair problems. Causes of these problems are mainly due to bacterial, fungal, or viral infection. Since children have delicate skin; they are vulnerable to these problems.   Most of the times children bring these skin and hair infections from school.  Preschool  caregivers in a kindergarten in  Walnut, CA,  say that many parents do not know how to tackle these problems. He has given some practical tips to parents on how to prevent and treat common rashes that affect children the most.   Heat rash is the most common summer skin problem in preschoolers. It causes small red bumps on the skin. It appears most often on the neck, buttocks, and skin folds. Heat rash is caused...

Why You Should Send Your Children To Montessori

Montessori is the best form of education that we can offer to a child. The excellent education system is still running proudly and successfully from the time of Italian physician cum educator Maria Montessori started her first school in Italy. The Montessori education system emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural, psychological, social development. This method of education is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play.  The Montessori   education system helps your children develop independence, a sense of empathy and social justice, and a lifelong love of learning.   A Montessori education system helps to bloom your children into their full potential. It helps them to engage in a friendly environment and helps them to be responsible, respectful, and competent. This system allows children to acquire knowledge at their own pace. Forcing children for anything is completely prohibited in this syst...

Ways to Develop Healthy Eating Habits in Kids

  Are you parents of a fidgety, inattentive child who is a picky eater and never finishes his lunch box in  Preschool ? Then, this is the right time when both parents and teachers collaboratively look for ways to instill lifelong healthy eating habits in the toddler. To make your task easy, here is a list of options you can look through to achieve the objective.   Making healthy foods at home:   Children have a very good observation power and they try to follow what others do. So, the parents need to start with a healthy meal plan at home. Try to prepare food that gives the required nutrients to maintain your health, make you feel good, and provide enough energy. The food needs to be yummy so that it passes through those little adorable lips. Parents can focus on lean beef, poultry, fish, bright-colored vegetables, fruits, dairy items, whole-grain bread, pasta, and cereals.    Preparing a wholesome snack box:   If your child has started...

6 Interesting Color Activities for Preschoolers

By nature, kids are curious and keen observers. They notice every changes happening around them. During the initial years, they can absorb information like a sponge and have the energy to participate in various activities. These activities can help Daycare kids to enhance their skillset and prepare them to face global challenges. Before you prepare them for any playschool, try to engage them in a range of activities to help them strengthen their cognitive abilities. You can try these coloring activities which will provide them the opportunity to grow into intuitive preschoolers. Fun Coloring Activities for Toddlers: Here you can find some interesting coloring activities to keep your kids on their toes. 1.       Color Scavenger Hunt: Send your little one on a hunt around the house for colorful objects that they can match. What You Need: ·          Colorful objects around the house ·     ...

Various Creative Ways to Break Your Child’s Gadget Addiction

  In today’s era, everything has gone online, and keeping children away from the screen is a challenge for many parents. Although smart devices are becoming an important tool of learning for children, it is well known that irresponsible use of media can lead to so much harm in kids. If your kids are getting addicted to screens, getting them off this addiction sometimes can be tough and challenging. This addiction does not let them realize how fun it is to go out, explore and play with friends. This not just deprives them of the opportunities to develop their basic skills but also makes them physically weak. Some Easy Ways to Break Your Child's Smartphone Addiction: So, are you wondering how to help your child get rid of their gadget addiction? Here Preschool teachers have shared various ways to break children’s screen addiction. Act as a role model: As your kids grow older, they will start observing and imitating you. So, you need to follow certain rules at home so that you...

3 Healthy and Easy to Prepare Soup Recipes for Kids

There is nothing more calm and cozy than enjoying a bowl of warm soup cuddled in your bed. Besides that, soups form a crucial part of the diet with a lot of health benefits. Because of their nutritional value, soups can be great options for children and they are always recommended whenever a child is unwell. But if you are a little clueless about how to prepare child-friendly soups that are delicious, healthy, and easy to prepare, you can refer to this blog post for some fun and interesting soup recipes. Easy and Delicious Soup Recipes for Children Most  Preschool  kids are fussy eaters and soups provide them with various nutrients that they require for healthy development. Here are some easy soup recipes that your kids would love. Mix Vegetables Soup:  This soup is highly nutritious and you can prepare it quite easily.  Ingredients: Peeled carrots, potatoes cut into small cubes Finely chopped cabbage and spinach leaves Peeled bottle gourd w...

How Music Benefits Your Child’s Overall Development

Music ignites all faculty of children’s brain and improves their various skills like reading, writing, emotion, etc. Try to make your children learn singing or playing any instrument and expose them to music as much as possible from the very childhood to enjoy the maximum benefits of music. Research, based on the  Montessori  school-going children show that musical exposure in childhood can accelerate overall brain development, especially that faculty that helps language acquisition and reading skill. Music helps in the coordination of the body and the mind. Music activates every subsystem of the brain, including the structures involved in motivation and emotion.   Teachers of primary schools of  Montessori City of Industry, CA , say that parents, as well as  Montessori  experts, can use techniques of music therapy to enhance the children’s development of cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities. To incorporate music and rhythm into kids’ life bring...

Hyperlexia in Children – Its causes and symptoms

  Do your child love reading? Does he/she read exceptionally well at an early age without age-appropriate speech and language speech? This could be a sign of an autism-like syndrome, called Hyperlexia, especially when the child has delayed speaking abilities. What is Hyperlexia? According to the special educators of Child care Covina, CA, Hyperlexia is the presence of advanced reading skills in very little children. It is unexpected and precocious reading abilities in little children at a very young age. This is actually a learning disability and children with this syndrome also have a significant difficulty understanding and using normal verbal language like other children. They may also encounter difficulties in socializing with others. Types of Hyperlexia: There are three types of Hyperlexia. Hyperlexia 1: This is a rare type of Hyperlexia and is mostly diagnosed when ordinary children can read at a very early age. In such cases, a kindergarten student may develo...