How to support your child emotionally?

Kids behave badly in unpredictable situations, and as parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children that every moment is a part of life and we need to behave well in any situation. It is the main thing we don’t need to panic in any situation and give emotional support to our child. Stress may cause varied responses in certain children. Other typical symptoms include bedwetting, headaches, stomachaches, difficulties sleeping, and emotions of worry, hesitation, wrath, neediness, or dread of being alone. In this post, the Preschool Covina CA team is going to discuss how you can support your child emotionally. Let's read it out: Practice deep breathing Teach your youngster to breathe in softly and gently via their nose, followed by a mouthful of air. (Try instructing them to "smell a flower, then blow up a balloon" to get the hang of this.) You might use this technique on them a few times when you're unhappy, but you should encourage them to do it on th...