Some Essential Parenting Tips for Raising a Toddler

If you are a new parent or a parent of a toddler, you must have heard the concept of positive parenting. It is a continual relationship between parents and their children that includes caring, teaching, leading communicating, and proving their needs unconditionally. Parents should inculcate this while raising their kids. According to the caregivers of  Child Care City of Industry, CA, it stresses the fact that while discipline is needed, it must be enforced in a way that does not dampen their spirit or stifle their unique identity.

Some mistakes adults make while parenting toddlers:

·       Inconsistency: Whatever rule or routine you have set for your toddler to follow, you need to be consistent with that. Children like order, if you show inconsistency in the house rules, they will get confused and will follow the rules that suit them.

·       Lack of communication: Thinking their children small, many parents do not have enough conversation with their toddlers. Having a conversation with small ones helps improve their vocabulary, brainpower, and language processing skills.

·       Feeding their tantrums: Have you experienced a situation when your kids start screaming at the top of their voice in a shopping mall because you did not buy their favorite toys?  Child care City of Industry, CA caregivers suggest parents avoid giving into their tantrums in such situations as it would make them think that they can get anything if they throw little tantrums.

·       Ordering them around: Toddlers may not always appreciate commands instead they love requests. Orders often make them adamant to not follow instructions or house rules.

Parenting Tips to follow while raising a toddler:

·       Avoid comparing: Knowingly or unknowingly many parents compare their kids with others and by doing this they inadvertently destroy their children’s confidence and self-esteem. Comparing a child with another child in the group may make her feel insecure about herself.

·       Give them responsibilities: You should trust your children with some responsibilities. You can start with small chores around the house. Responsibilities make them confident, and sensible which will definitely help them in the long run.

·       Provide the tools to succeed: According to the caregivers of the Child care City of Industry, CA pushing kids to achieve their objectives without proving them with the proper tools may lead to failure and have negative effects o them. For example, expecting a toddler to be toilet trained without giving them age-appropriate toilet attachments is probably a recipe for disaster. Initially, they may feel discouraged or scared to use an adult toilet commode, but providing them with the correct tools would give them the confidence to do things on their own.

·       Choosing the right words: While having a conversation with your toddler, you need to be extra careful in choosing your words. Try not to use any discouraging words or terms in front of them. Using correct words in front of them will have a great impact on shaping their character.

Parenting is a life-long journey and various tips will help you to make this journey smooth. But instead of blindly following any tip, you can make alterations considering the age and requirements of your child.




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