How to calm a kid showing tantrums

Showing tantrums is a very common sight in the toddlers. They throw tantrums at the drop of a hat. Usually, when they are unable to express themselves they feel frustrated. They scream, cry, stomp their feet, run away, throw things, kick, etc. and show their frustrations.

 Try to reward the child when he shows positive behavior and try to inculcate the habit of showing up decency in the child from early childhood. The teachers of the Child care La Puente, CA encourage him by announcing that he will be earning an additional star for his good conduct.

Ways To calm down the tantrums of  kids

·         If a child is showing tantrums try to distract him by changing his location. For example, if he throws a tantrum at the playground, take him to the home and give another toy to play with. This will eventually make him forget the cause of throwing tantrums. Let the child make some decisions on his own like if he wants to do coloring or playing with play dough, let him chose his activity.

·         If a child wants to seek attention by throwing tantrums, then a parent should ignore him for a while. If he gets to know that his parents are not paying heed to his tantrum, he might not continue doing it. On the other hand, if the parents reward their child on their throwing of tantrums, then the child will keep on doing the same.

·         Know the limits of the child and don't exert him for something. It is for the parents to see if the child has got enough sleep as lack of sleep can be a reason for them for throwing tantrums as per the teachers of the Child Care La Puente, CA.

·         However, if the tantrums are more often and can't be checked sooner, then a doctor can be consulted. The doctor can check for any health problems that may add to the tantrums, although this is not common. Sometimes, hearing or vision problems, a chronic illness, language delays, or a learning disability can make kids more likely to have tantrums.

 As the kids grow older they start to calm themselves on their own and they know how to control their emotions. Hence the frequency of tantrums becomes much less.


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