Some Easy Ways to Handle Hyperactive Kids

Most of the parents and teachers would agree to the fact that managing hyperactive kids is not everybody's cup of tea. In certain situations, their constant physical activity and inattentiveness can be frustrating for adults. The below-mentioned strategies would be helpful for you to handle hyperactive kids at home as well as in school.

Deep breathing / yoga / meditation:

Teachers in Montessori Walnut CA use this strategy to manage hyperactive kids in the classroom. Deep breathing exercises or yoga or meditation help children learn to slow down their thoughts and their bodies. These are the different methods of relaxation which help students to relax and calm down.

Going for a walk:

To reduce hyper activity at home, take them out for a walk. Going outside and doing some light exercise is very helpful to reduce the symptoms of hyperactivity.

Channelize their energy:

Try to find out some productive ways to vent their energy and calm their minds. You can enroll your child in some classes that will help them use up their energy, physical activity and soothe the mind. You can also get your child’s activity boxes to help them engage productively and focus on some play-based activities.

Spending quality time:

As suggested by Preschool Walnut CA, try to give them your complete attention and listen carefully to their concerns, interests, and apprehensions. Simply talk to your children, play with them, take them out, or just read some books together. 

Help them deal with their feelings:

Hyperactive kids find it difficult to handle their anger, sadness, happiness, and worry. As parents, it is your responsibility to help them deal with their feelings and slowly gradually make them understand what is good and what is bad for them.

Listen to music:

According to Montessori Walnut CA, music is a great therapy to unwind after school. Music helps children's brains to come down as it exercises both sides of the brain at the same time. 


Swimming is another very effective physical activity for hyperactive kids as it offers constant movements, self-discipline and calorie burn.

Other than the above, some other ways like regular exercise, following a routine or structure, theatre for creative engagement, playing some thinking games, minimizing screen time, writing diary will be helpful to manage hyperactive kids in the classroom or at home.


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