
Showing posts with the label Daycare

Effective Ways to Develop Self-Discipline in Kids

Teaching self-discipline to kids is important as it helps them delay gratification, control temptations, and adjust to the discomforts required to reach their long-term goals. From choosing to turn off the video game to concentrate on the home assignments, or not eating an extra cookie when mom is not seeing to keeping toys in their place, self-discipline is very important to help kids grow as responsible human beings. According to the  Montessori  experts, parents and teachers should give kids the skills that they need to develop self-discipline as well as enough opportunities to practice making wise choices. Provide structure: Create a timetable that your kids will follow every day and eventually will get accustomed to it. If they know what they are expected to do, they will be less likely to get distracted with other activities. For example, a good morning routine helps kids know when they have to eat breakfast and get ready for school. Try to keep your child’s daily schedule

How Gardening Helps Children to Have a Healthy Development

Outdoors is an important place for kids to have a healthy development. Participating in different outdoor activities improves their health and supports their overall development. They learn to explore the world around them by observing, exploring, and interacting with its various natural elements.  Daycare  teachers encourage children to participate in outdoor learning engagements as during this time they may engage in complex imaginative play and much-needed physical activities. As parents, you should provide your kids with opportunities where they can build connections with nature and the outdoor world. You can carefully plan some outdoor activities which can lead children to engage in various meaningful tasks and projects.  You would be surprised to know that a garden can be an interactive playground for kids that can engage all of their senses. It is something where they will be able to touch and feel the fruits of their hard work, appreciate the brightly colored flowers, grow

How To Protect Children’s Skin And Hair During Hot And Humid Season

  During the summer and rainy season in most parts of the US, people experience a humid, warm, and damp climate. Because of this hot and humid climate, caregivers of a  preschool  in  walnut, CA  has observed that preschoolers often suffer from various skin and hair problems. Causes of these problems are mainly due to bacterial, fungal, or viral infection. Since children have delicate skin; they are vulnerable to these problems.   Most of the times children bring these skin and hair infections from school.  Preschool  caregivers in a kindergarten in  Walnut, CA,  say that many parents do not know how to tackle these problems. He has given some practical tips to parents on how to prevent and treat common rashes that affect children the most.   Heat rash is the most common summer skin problem in preschoolers. It causes small red bumps on the skin. It appears most often on the neck, buttocks, and skin folds. Heat rash is caused due to the clogging of sweat glands. Children if enga

6 Interesting Color Activities for Preschoolers

By nature, kids are curious and keen observers. They notice every changes happening around them. During the initial years, they can absorb information like a sponge and have the energy to participate in various activities. These activities can help Daycare kids to enhance their skillset and prepare them to face global challenges. Before you prepare them for any playschool, try to engage them in a range of activities to help them strengthen their cognitive abilities. You can try these coloring activities which will provide them the opportunity to grow into intuitive preschoolers. Fun Coloring Activities for Toddlers: Here you can find some interesting coloring activities to keep your kids on their toes. 1.       Color Scavenger Hunt: Send your little one on a hunt around the house for colorful objects that they can match. What You Need: ·          Colorful objects around the house ·          A sheet with names of different colors How To Do: Give the sheet to your little