Effective Ways to Develop Self-Discipline in Kids
Teaching self-discipline to kids is important as it helps them delay gratification, control temptations, and adjust to the discomforts required to reach their long-term goals. From choosing to turn off the video game to concentrate on the home assignments, or not eating an extra cookie when mom is not seeing to keeping toys in their place, self-discipline is very important to help kids grow as responsible human beings. According to the Montessori experts, parents and teachers should give kids the skills that they need to develop self-discipline as well as enough opportunities to practice making wise choices. Provide structure: Create a timetable that your kids will follow every day and eventually will get accustomed to it. If they know what they are expected to do, they will be less likely to get distracted with other activities. For example, a good morning routine helps kids know when they have to eat breakfast and get ready for school. Try to keep your child’s daily ...