Why do Kids Wake Up at Night Crying

Toddlers need at least 11 to 14 hours of sleep every day, but it will be wrong to expect them to hit the bed at 8:00 p.m. and not stir again until morning. You must have experienced the stage when your toddler starts waking up multiple times at night and cries until you lull her back to sleep. Night waking is very common for toddlers and Childcare Walnut CA has listed down some reasons for this. Physical conditions: Toddlers go through a lot of physical, emotional and mental changes which may cause the problematic night waking in children. Teething, ear infections, stuffy nose or stomach upset can be the reasons for disturbance in his usual sleeping pattern. If your child coughs regularly at night, they may have some serious health issues which need to be treated. Acid reflux can be associated with belly pain and vomiting at night. Obstructive sleep apnea is a very common problem associated with snoring which can disrupt sleep. Preschool West Covina CA ...